Saturday, February 9, 2008


It wanted but an interface to directory a serveur X.500 that used little resources or a light protocol. For this reason it came developed LDAP, like alternative snella to the DAP. LDAP demands lightest and popular protocol TCP/IP instead of the battery DARES. Moreover LDAP simplifies sure operations of X.500 and omits sure intricati aspects. The protocol has been devised from Tim Howes di Netscape, Steve Kille of ISODE and Mark Angle di Critical Angle Inc..

Two premonitory ones of LDAP are represent to you from the RFC rilasciati from IETF, Directory Assistance Service (RFC 1202) and DIXIE Protocol Specification (RFC 1249). They are both RFC informed to you and they did not come proposals like standard. Directory assistance service (the DAS) defined a method for which a directory client it can communicate with a proxy on a host DARES that rilasciava demanded X.500 to name of the client. DIXIE is similar to DAS, but it more offers one directed conversion of the DAP. The first version of LDAP came defined in X.500 Lightweight Access Protocol (RFC 1487), replaced from Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (RFC 1777).

More ahead LDAP refined to the ideas and the protocols of DAS and DIXIE. It has a more neutral implementazione and it reduces the complexity of the client. The greater part of the jobs in DIXIE and LDAP comes from the University of Michigan, that it offers a documentation of the implementazioni of LDAP and maintains Web pages and mailing list on LDAP. RFC 1777 defines same protocol LDAP, with with: "the rappresentazione in Stringhe and Sintassi of the Attributes Standard" (RFC 1778), "Rappresentazione in Tightens of the Distinguished Name" (RFC 1779), "Formed for URL LDAP" (RFC 1959), "Rappresentazione in tightens of the filters of search LDAP" (RFC 1960) LDAP version 2 has obtained the state of standard rough draft in the process of standardization IETF, a step the being one standard. Today, all the implementazione of directory the serveur are base on LDAP version to you 3.

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