Saturday, February 9, 2008


Telnet is a protocol of net used on Internet. Documents IETF STD 8 (RFC 854 and RFC 855) say:

The objective of protocol telnet is to supply a support for the communications sufficiently generalized, bidirectional and oriented to the byte (eight bit).

Usually it is used in order to supply to the remote customer sessions of login of type line of commando between host on Internet.

By extension, telnet it is also the name of a program that a customer can use in order to start one session telnet to a remote host; the program telnet implements the part client of the protocol. Client the telnet has been available on the greater part of the Unix systems for several years and is available for whichever type of computer.

In English to telnet it is used like verbo and it means to establish one logon telnet.

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