Saturday, February 9, 2008


Gnutella is one net Peer to Peer of open sharing of rows.

The protocols of which it is composed are opened publics and. Its main function is the search of rows to the inside of the nodes of the same net, and the successive transfer of the same ones to the petitioner.

The first implementazione of the protocol has been the Gnutella program written from Justin Frankel and Tom Pepper for the Nullsoft to the beginning of 2000. The program was distributed a single day, 14 March 2000 and was unloaded from migliaia of persons, thanks to the announcement appeared on Slashdot. The code would have been rilasciato later on probably under licenda GNU GPL. The day after AOL, that it had from little acquired the Nullsoft, bloccò the distribution of the program for reasons lawyers and diffidò the Nullsoft continuing some the development. Although this the net gnutella survived supported from migliaia of unloaded copies the first day that continued to distribute the program. In little days then the protocol was reingegnerizzato and nacquero new free programs in a position to approaching this net.

Although the name contains word GNU, it is not part of plan GNU, for this reason the FSF, caretaker of plan GNU, of it has asked the change of the name. The second part of the name derives from the Nutella, a lot appreciated from the sviluppatori of this net.

Gnutella is a typical example of overlay network.

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