Saturday, February 9, 2008

IPX on Ethernet

IPX can be transmitted on Ethernet using one of the four following types of incapsulazione:

* 802.3 (raw) come used in the systems "legacy" and preview that data IPX begin immediately after frame header the 802.3. The packages begin with Destination Ethernet Address (6 byte), Source Ethernet Address (6 byte), Frame Length (2 byte), are followed from data IPX. These last ones always begin with two byte 0xFF (Checksum field), that two can be used in order to differentiate this type of incvapsulazione IPX from the others.
* 802.2 (Novell) comprises frame header 802,3 (destination, source, length) followed from header a LLC (3 byte - 0xE0, 0xE0, 0x03) followed from data IPX. The field 0xE0 of header the LLC is for protocol ' Novell'.
* 802.2 (SNAP) comprise frame header 802,3, header a LLC (3 byte - 0xAA, 0xAA, 0x03), header a SNAP (5 byte - 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x81, 0x37) and fdati the IPX. The fields 0xAA of header the LLC are for protocol ' SNAP'. The first three byte of header the SNAP are a OUI are followed from 2 byte ofEtherType IPX.
* Ethernet II comprises one frame header Ethernet II (Destination, Source, EtherType) followed from data IPX.

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