Saturday, February 9, 2008

Internet Relay Chat technical Information

RFC 1459 describes the protocols uses you and more recently IRC2 with RFC 2810, RFC 2811, 2812 RFC and RFC 2813 describe with of proposals of extensions to model IRC. Many implementazioni IRC consist in protocol IRC2 with several add-on that they prevent the incompatibilità caused of the differences between the software uses you for the management of the net serveur.

IRC is an open protocol of net that uses the protocol of transmission TCP optionally (Transmission Control Protocol) andthe SSL (Secure Sockets Layer). A serveur IRC (called IRCd) is in a position to connecting with other serveur IRC forming therefore one true and own net of communication; the customers approach to it by means of the logon of a client to a serveur. Much serveur IRC does not demand the customer to authenticate itself, but it goes however specified a nickname (univoco to level of net IRC).

IRC is a protocol plaintext, this means that it is possible (however with some disadvantage) to use it through one type logon socket raw. However not there is way to define the character of decodes goddesses messages and goddesses nickname rendering the filtering of characters not ASCIIimpossible.

The fundamental mass media in a session IRC is the "channel", a group of customers identified from a name, where all the pertaining can only send leggibili messages from the customers of the same group. A channel IRC is created automatically to the first income from part of whichever customer.
The names of the channels pertaining to all an entire net IRC are identified with the character "#" begin them, while those premises (specific of a serveur) are identify with the character "&" (however this last one to you could not be available on some nets). In order to obviate to problems of desincronizzazione of the channels in the moment in which of the serveur they had been scollegati the channels were created "!" without the sincronismo problems that but the customers obtained insufficient succeeding also for the lack of information.

The first customer who enters in a channel acquires automatically of privileges that other present customer in the same channel can then pass to whichever; these customers come call to you channel operator or, in channel Italian"operating". There are also various customers with privileges different and with tasks of administration of the network; these are call IRC to you Operator (abbreviated in IRCop, often erroneously confused in IR-Cop) or operating Italian "IRC". In the more recent implementazioni it is also possible to record the channels, so that the access rights do not come lost to the logoff of the last operator; where this is not possible comes made use of bot, special programs that appear like normal customers, but that they garrison the channel and, to the use, river-they confer the status of operator to the owners.

The "Operating ones of the channel" can set up various options on that determined channel, see b:IRC/Modi_canale.

The customers in the within of the channel or the serveur can have various attributes, see b:IRC/Modi_utente

Logons IRC are a ghiotto objective for cracker malintenzionati, in how much, also being number, take, for they same nature, long periods of time of logon. It is necessary therefore to assure to these logons, one taken care of political of emergency in a position to proteggerle from the script attacks kiddie that try to take of control (IRC takeover war), even trying than to take advantage of just advantage a netsplit (as the split is said in jargon riding).

Logon IRC often comes used from part of the scripts kiddies like "laboratory" in order to try various types of attacks in net, as an example sending to packages ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) badly forms you to the aim to disturb of the customers (sees also nuke. However, with the entrance in scene of Bouncer (BNC) and virtual the hosts, an attack is much difficult one for these malintenzionate persons to carry a.termine, inasmuch as these services succeed to hide IP address connected to a nickname.

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